
Recent Relevant Publications from Taskforce Members:

Bowen, K.J. Ebi, K. (2015). Governing the health impacts of climate change: towards multi-sector responses. Special Issue: Governing sustainability through partnerships: networks, risks and the promise of cooperation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 12, 80-85.

Bowen, K.J., Miller, F., Dany,V., Graham, S. (2015). The relevance of co-productive capacity to climate change adaptation: investigating the health and water sectors in Cambodia. Ecology & Society, 20(1).

Bowen, K.J. & Ebi, K.L. (2017). The health risks of climate change in the World Health Organization South-East Asia Region. WHO South-East Asia Journal Public Health, 6(2).

Bowen, K. J., Cradock-Henry, N. A., Koch, F., Patterson, J., Häyhä, T., Vogt, J., & Barbi, F. (2017). Implementing the “Sustainable Development Goals”: towards addressing three key governance challenges—collective action, trade-offs, and accountability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 26, 90-96.

Ciplet, D., Roberts, J. T., & Khan, M. (2013). The politics of international climate adaptation funding: Justice and divisions in the greenhouse. Global Environmental Politics13(1), 49-68.

Ciplet, D., Khan, M. R., Roberts, J. T., & Earth System Governance. (2015). Power in a warming world the new global politics of climate change and the remaking of environmental inequality. MIT Press.

Clapp, J. (2014). World hunger and the global economy: Strong linkages, weak action. Journal of International Affairs, 1-17.

Clapp, J. (2017). Responsibility to the rescue? Governing private financial investment in global agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values34(1), 223-235.

Clapp, J., Newell, P., & Brent, Z. W. (2018). The global political economy of climate change, agriculture and food systems. The Journal of Peasant Studies45(1), 80-88.

Coolsaet, B., & Pitseys, J. (2015). Fair and equitable negotiations? African influence and the international access and benefit-sharing regime. Global Environmental Politics, 15(2), p38-56.

Brendan, Coolsaet. 2020. Environmental Justice. Key Issues. Routledge.

Crosland, T., Meyer, A. and Wewerinke-Singh, M. (2017). The Paris Agreement Implementation Blueprint: a Practical Guide to Bridging the Ambition Gap (Part 1) Environmental Liability, 25(1).

Crosland, T., Meyer, A. and Wewerinke-Singh, M. (2017). The Paris Agreement Implementation Blueprint: Legal Avenues to Blueprint Implementation (Part 2), Environmental Liability, 25(2).

Ebi, K.L., Bowen, K.J. (2016). Extreme events as sources of vulnerability: example of managing the health risks of climate variability. Weather and Climate Extremes, 11, 95-102.

Kashwan, P. (2017). Democracy in the woods: Environmental conservation and social justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico. Oxford University Press.

Kashwan, P. (2017). Inequality, democracy, and the environment: A cross-national analysis. Ecological Economics131, 139-151.

Khan, M. R. (2013). Toward a binding climate change adaptation regime: A proposed framework. Routledge.

Khan, M. & Roberts, T. (2013). Adaptation and International Climate Policy, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 4.

Khan, M. R. (2015). Polluter-Pays-Principle: The Cardinal Instrument for Addressing Climate Change. Laws, 4(3), 638-653.

Klinsky, S., & Dowlatabadi, H. (2009). Conceptualizations of justice in climate policy. Climate Policy, 9, p88–108.

Klinsky, S., Roberts, T., Huq, S., Okereke, C., Newell, P., Dauvergne, P., O’Brien, K., Schroeder, H., Tschakert, P., Clapp, J., Keck, M., Biermann, F., Liverman, D., Gupta, J., Rahman, A., Messner, D., Pellow, D., Bauer, S. (2016). Why equity is fundamental in climate change policy research. Global Environmental Change, 44.

Maltais, A. (2008). Global warming and the cosmopolitan political conception of justice, Environmental Politics, 7(4), p592-609.

Maltais, A. & McKinnon, C. (2015). The Ethics of Climate Governance. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Martin, A., Coolsaet, B., Corbera, E., Dawson, N. M., Fraser, J. A., Lehmann, I., & Rodriguez, I (2016). Justice and conservation: The need to incorporate recognition. Biological Conservation, 197p254–261.

Martin, A., Gross-Camp, N., Kebede, B and McGuire, S. (2014). Whose environmental justice? Exploring local and global perspectives in a Payments for Ecosystem Services scheme in Rwanda, Geoforum, 54, p167-177.

McIver, L.J, Bowen, K.J., Iddings, S., Hanna, E. (2015). A ‘Healthy Islands’ framework for climate change in the Pacific. Health Promotion International, 1-9.

Nguyen, Q. A., Miller, F., Bowen, K., & Tan Sinh, B. (2017). Evaluating capacity for climate change adaptation in the health and water sectors in Vietnam: constraints and opportunities. Climate and Development9(3), 258-273.

Okereke, C. (2010). Global justice and neoliberal environmental governance: sustainable development, ethics and international co-operation. Routledge Research in Environmental Politics. Routledge: London.

Okereke, C. and Ehresman, T. (2015) International environmental justice and the quest for a green global economy: introduction to special issue. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 15 (1), 5-11.

Okereke, C. & Coventry, P. (2016). Climate justice and the international regime: before, during and after Paris. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 7 (6), 834-851.

Schlosberg, D. (2007). Defining Environmental Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schlosberg, D. (2013). Theorising environmental justice: the expanding sphere of a discourse, Environmental Politics, 22(1).

Schwerdtle, P., Bowen, K.J. & McMichael, C. (2018). Migration as climate adaptation and the health impacts. BMC Medicine.

Stevis, D. & Felli, R. (2015). Global Labour Unions and Just Transition to a Green Economy. International Environmental Agreements,15(1), 29-43.

Stevis, D. & Felli, R. (2016). Green Transitions, Just Transitions? Broadening and Deepening Justice, Kurswechsel Heft 3: Klimapolitik und Systemwandel, 35-45.

Wewerinke, M. (2014). The Role of the UN Human Rights Council in Addressing Climate Change, Human Rights. & Int’l Legal Discourse8.

Wewerinke-Singh, M., & Doebbler, C. (2016). The Paris agreement: Some critical reflections on process and substance, UNSWLJ39.

A Selection of Literature Related to Foundations of Planetary Justice:

Buchanan, A., & Keohane, R. (2006). The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions. Memo prepared for Conference on the Normative and Empirical Evaluation of Global Governance, Princeton University, February 16-18, 2006.

Graness, A. (2015). Is the debate on “global justice” a global one? Some considerations in view of modern philosophy in Africa. Journal of Global Ethics, 11(1), p126–140.

Keohane, Robert O. (2016). Keohane on climate: What price equity and justice. Climate Change News.  Accessed on: 4/1/2017. Retrieved from: http://www.climatechange- what-price-equity-and-justice/.

Morgan, G., Kandlikar, M., Risbey, J., & Dowlatabadi, H. (1999). Why Conventional Tools for Policy Analysis are Often Inadequate for Problems of Global Change: An Editorial Essay. Climatic Change, 41, p271–281.

Nagel, T. (2005). The problem of global justice. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 33(2), p113–147.

Sen, A. (2006). What Do We Want from a Theory of Justice? Journal of Philosophy, 103(5).

These lists are constantly evolving – if you would like to recommend an addition, please let us know.